Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is primarily an inflammatory disease of the smaller joints, such as wrists, ankles, fingers and knees. Many people find the pain and stiffness comes and goes over time.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

A rheumatoid arthritis diet is the key to better health

Research has shown that at least one third of people can completely control their Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) by eliminating foods to which they have an intolerance and/or healing their gut. The most common culprits are dairy, gluten and the Nightshade family of foods. Leaky gut, as mentioned above is when food molecules pass through the gut wall thus triggering an allergic response. Many rheumatoid arthritis sufferers also have parasites and candida.

A further major causative factor in Rheumatoid arthritis is a bacteria known as Proteus Mirabilis which is implicated in many cases but overlooked by the conventional medical establishment. Further undetected viruses have been shown to be a causative factor. In our experience eradication of the above can make people free of RA.

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Research has shown that RA sufferers are also deficient in the major antioxidant nutrients, Vitamins A, C, E plus the mineral selenium, but particularly Vitamin E. The majority of RA sufferers also appear to be low in stomach acid.

Heavy exercise may cause RA to progress faster but gentle exercise like swimming, T’ai Chi, yoga, stretching and walking are more helpful.

Rheumatoid arthritis is virtually unknown in primitive cultures where the diet is mainly alkaline forming foods, nor do these people have antibiotics or refined foods, which also contribute to RA.

At Mi Healthcare we use an evidence based approach in getting to the root causes of RA as highlighted above. Our Rheumatoid arthritis diet advice is bespoke and tailored to each individual’s circumstances.


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